Organize a Chapter
Getting Started
- Become a P@W member yourself (or renew your membership if needed.) You must be a member of P@W to begin organizing a chapter.
- Contact our office to let us know you are interested in forming a chapter. We can let you know if other organizing efforts are already underway, assist with encouraging others in your area to become or renew their memberships, and provide technical assistance.
- Email or call 202-637-5014.
- There must be at least 5 current ( dues paid) members. Having a minimum of 5 members ensures there is enough support to be viable.
- Email or call 202-637-5014 to request membership materials.
- Contact your union, Central Labor Council or State/Area Labor federation for support in getting the word out to other unions encouraging membership.
- Contact the national office if you have questions, to check in on your progress, or if you otherwsie need support.
- To be formally chartered, you must have passed Chapter Bylaws and elected officers. Once you are notified in writing that your chapter is chartered you can operate as a chapter, open a chapter bank account, and affiliate with your Central Labor Council and/or your State/Area Labor Federation.
- Contact us for sample Bylaws or help with questions in editing or drafting new provisions.
- Once your local bylaws are finalized and officers elected, please submit everything to the national office to request your Charter. As long as everything is in order, the charter can be approved quickly!