Fight Cuts to Federal Civil Rights Budgets, Offices, Laws, and Practices

WHEREAS, the current administration has proposed deep cuts to key civil rights office budgets, the withdrawal of numerous important civil and human rights policies, and the appointment of officials who appear bent on retreating from statutory civil and human rights agency priorities; and

WHEREAS, extending equal opportunity in education, employment, and housing; protecting the right to vote; reducing hate violence and racial disparities in the criminal justice system; preventing discrimination in healthcare; and advancing economic security are not only legal obligations that our administration must meet, but serve as a testament to what America stands for.

WHEREAS, the ideals of fairness and equity for all require the vigorous enforcement of these laws, not as an option nor as subject to political whim.

WHEREAS, the proposed elimination of the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and the virtual defunding of its Women’s Bureau, the end of the environmental justice program at the Environmental Protection Agency, and threats of drastic staff cutbacks in the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, all signal a significant rollback of civil rights enforcement;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Pride at Work (P@W) calls upon the current administration to reverse these disturbing trends and to demonstrate a far greater commitment to the civil and human rights of all people in this country and to the federal laws created to protect them.

Submitted by Francis Nichols III, DC-Baltimore Chapter
Approved August 25, 2018