Pride at Work Statement on the White House Appointment of Steve Bannon
For Immediate Release
November 16, 2016
Contact: Jerame Davis
Pride at Work Statement on the White House Appointment of Steve Bannon
Washington, DC – Following the recent announcement that the former executive chairman of Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, will serve as the chief strategist and advisor for President-elect Trump, Pride at Work Executive Director, Jerame Davis, issued the following statement:
“Pride at Work condemns the appointment of Steve Bannon in the strongest possible terms. Bannon’s close association with hate groups and his own despicable rhetoric—including calling progressive women dykes—has no place in the White House. We refuse to allow a racist hold one of the highest advisory roles in this administration.
President-elect Trump has a duty to represent all Americans, not just those on the fringes. We call on him to send Bannon back to the dark corners of the Internet and put together an administration that can help lead our country forward.”
Pride At Work organizes mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBTQ Community for social and economic justice. We seek full equality for LGBTQ Workers in our workplaces and unions and we organize in the spirit of the union movement’s historic motto, “An Injury to One is An Injury to All.” Learn more at