Condemning Human Trafficking and Sex Trafficking of Children
WHEREAS, human trafficking is a global phenomenon that traps millions in cycles of exploitation for sex or labor and is often called “modern slavery”; it is a direct affront to individual human rights and jeopardizes community health; and
WHEREAS, worldwide, human trafficking generates about $36 billion each year. About one of every four of those dollars circulates in the United States, where freedom is an inalienable right; and
WHEREAS, commercial sex trafficking includes “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act.” Children in “the life” are considered victims of severe forms of trafficking – and they are in our schools; and
WHEREAS, every year, hundreds of thousands of children, mostly girls in early adolescence, are at risk of being trafficked. They are subject to physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Specifically, they face social isolation, lack of care, manipulation, and severe health concerns, including HIV. Getting out of the life isn’t easy – many are trauma-bonded with those who exploit them and must overcome stigmatization and post-traumatic stress. In some states, they also face the threat of a criminal record; and
WHEREAS, research by the Polaris Project indicates that the majority of trafficked persons come from vulnerable groups, including undocumented immigrants, runaways, at-risk youth, oppressed and marginalized groups, and the poor, and that this occurs specifically because they are easiest to recruit and control. Many of these young people are our students; and
WHEREAS, organizations such as the Polaris Project and Fair Girls have been incredible leaders in establishing and maintaining infrastructure to combat child sex trafficking and education about this issue. In 2013, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act was reauthorized to protect and prevent. Yet there is work to be done; and
WHEREAS, with the right training, paraprofessionals, teachers, and school personnel can be first responders in this national emergency. Schools can be part of the frontline to combat the marginalization, criminalization, and exploitation of our most vulnerable;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Pride at Work supports the fight to end human trafficking and especially condemn the ongoing exploitation and profit from sex trafficking with children; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pride at Work provide guidance to inform and educate Pride at Work members and its allies about the issue of sex trafficking and what they can do to take action against it; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pride at Work help prevent child trafficking by providing training and appropriate guidance to ensure members have the skills to identify indicators of children at risk and to identify signs of child trafficking. This should include, but not be limited to, educational materials describing indicators of child exploitation/trafficking, workshops at conferences sponsored by Pride at Work, educational materials such as palm cards, and articles in Pride at Work publications; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pride at Work combatchild trafficking by providing training and appropriate guidance to ensure members have the skills to safely report suspicious activity to the right authorities and agencies such as the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pride at Work addressthe consequences of human trafficking by supporting programs that counteract victims’ criminalization and stigmatization, educate victims about their rights and opportunities, facilitate social reintegration, advance educational opportunities, and assist in obtaining sustainable employment; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that Pride at Work reclaim the promise of healthy communities by supporting legislation to eradicate human trafficking in the United States and abroad.
Submitted by the American Federation of Government Employees
Approved August 25 2018