Gender-Neutral Restrooms in Every Workplace

WHEREAS, it is a paramount duty of the labor movement to ensure that all of our members and their communities have access to public services, including restrooms; and

WHEREAS, safe access to public services is neither a luxury nor a special right; and

WHEREAS, gender-segregated restrooms impede the ability of some of the our union members, their families, as well as community members to access public restrooms by creating uncomfortable and unsafe spaces; and

WHEREAS, gender-segregated restrooms have the potential to be sites of sexual orientation- based intimidation, harassment and assault; and

WHEREAS, gender-neutral restrooms promote diversity and foster an environment that acknowledges, appreciates, respects and creates equal opportunity for our diverse labor family; and

WHEREAS, the labor movement’s policies should uphold the value of inclusion of all its members and a commitment to diversity and non-discrimination; and

WHEREAS, those in the labor family and our communities who have disabilities are not able to bring their differently-gendered attendants into restrooms; and

WHEREAS, those accompanying differently-gendered children would benefit from those facilities; and

WHEREAS, Pride at Work, as well as other national and state unions, have created gender- neutral restrooms for their respective conventions and in their offices; and

WHEREAS, all labor-used, rented or owned facilities do not currently have gender-neutral restrooms;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the labor movement, through leadership by Pride at Work and its chapters, help bring the labor movement and the communities we serve and live in, into full compliance with providing gender neutral restrooms for all.

Submitted by James Larson, Eastern New York Chapter
Approved August 25, 2018