Pride at Work Rejects the So-Called Fairness for All Act

For Immediate Release – December 9, 2019

Contact: Jerame Davis –

Pride at Work Rejects the So-Called Fairness for All Act

WASHINGTON – On Friday, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) introduced the so-called Fairness for All Act in the US House as an alternative to the Equality Act, which passed that chamber earlier this year. Pride at Work Executive Director, Jerame Davis, issued the following statement:

“The so-called Fairness for All Act is anything but. The religious exemptions carved out in this bill make it a non-starter for LGBTQ working people. This bill sounds good on the surface, but it would, in fact, create a license to discriminate on the grounds of religious belief. If I were cynical, I would see this misguided bill as just a deflection to draw attention and support away from the Equality Act, the only bill currently before Congress that would truly give LGBTQ people the equality they deserve.

“The Equality Act is the only legislation LGBTQ working people can count on to address their needs. We strongly oppose the so-called Fairness for All Act and reiterate our support for the Equality Act. It’s time for Republicans to stop playing with LGBTQ lives and get behind the Equality Act, which is languishing in the graveyard of bills passed by the House that Mitch McConnell will not allow to come to a vote in the Senate.


Pride At Work is the largest national organization that builds power for LGBTQIA+ working people. We organize mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBTQ Community for social and economic justice. We seek full equality for LGBTQIA+ working people in our workplaces, our unions, and the public square. We organize in the spirit of the union movement’s historic motto, “An Injury to One is An Injury to All.” Learn more at