Resolution: Human Trafficking
Resolution on Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a crime that endangers the lives of millions of people around the world with domestic and transnational trafficking networks that know no borders. From forced labor and debt bondage to forced commercial sexual exploitation and involuntary domestic servitude, human trafficking leaves no country untouched. A presidential proclamation calls human trafficking “modern-day slavery.”
It is estimated that at least 12.3 million adults and children are enslaved around the world and that 56 percent are women and girls. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates over a million boys and girls are in forced labor situations as a result of trafficking.
As part of a White House initiative to prevent human trafficking, government agencies are partnering with aviation unions to maximize the transportation industry’s collective impact. In collaboration with the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs and Border Protection is developing an online training module as part of the “Blue Lightening” initiative to raise awareness among frontline transportation workers about human trafficking.
The key to the success of this initiative is the participation of frontline workers. The Blue Lightning program provides a voluntary mechanism for frontline workers at U.S. commercial airports to identify potential human trafficking victims and to notify federal authorities. With the appropriate training, aviation and airport workers can be the frontline against human trafficking.
WHEREAS, Human trafficking is a crime of epidemic and global proportions, widely recognized as “modern day slavery;” and
WHEREAS, with appropriate training, we can save the lives of the innocent victims of human trafficking; and
WHEREAS, the evolution of the transportation industry brings an evolution in aviation workers’ professional responsibilities,
WHEREAS, Labor should seek every opportunity to end the practice of modern day slavery and join the fight.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Pride at Work supports the work of the Department of Transportations Blue Lightning Program and the Hidden in Plane Sight Initiative.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, we encourage members and member organizations of Pride at Work to sign on as supports of the Hidden In Plane Sight Initiative at