Resolution in Support of a National LGBT Progressive Congress
Whereas, recent events have inspired a lively debate on the direction and goals of the national Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) movements, and
Whereas, the founding of the Black Radical Congress (BRC) has given a strong voice to the progressive agenda for radical social and economic change that has been silenced during recent times, and
Whereas, the interests of rank and file LGBT union members and unorganized workers are served by a vision and strategy that resists the myths of the “gay market,” confronts racial and economic inequality and works for social and economic justice for all, and
Whereas, the Ad Hoc Committee to Open the Process is calling on Pride At Work, the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum, LGBT student organizations, other progressive LGBT organizations and grassroots LGBT activists to begin planning for the creation of a LGBT Progressive Congress.
Therefore, Be It Resolved that Pride At Work endorse the call of the Ad Hoc Committee and directs the PAW Steering Committee to determine the course of participation of PAW in future efforts to reach the goal of a LGBT Progressive Congress.
Submitted by: SEIU Eastern Region Lavender Caucus
SEIU Western Region Lavender Caucus
GALLAN/PAW Chapter of Boston
Nancy Wohlforth, SF, CA
Howard Wallace, SF, CA
Pearl Smith, Washington DC