Resolution in Support of Labor Participating in International GLBT Labor Conferences
Whereas, the United States labor movement in general and the AFL-CIO specifically did not support the “1998 Conference on Trade Unions, Homosexuality and Work” which was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, last July; and
Whereas, the conference was a truly exciting and historic event attended by 300 participants from 40 countries; and
Whereas, many of the US labor movements’ staunchest supporters, members, staff, organizers and fighters come from the g/l/b/t ranks; so
Therefore, Be It Resolved that National Pride At Work through its Executive Committee communicate a profound disappointment to the US labor movement and specifically to the AFL-CIO for their lack of commitment to the Amsterdam Conference;
And Be It Further Resolved that it also be communicated that many of us, if not all, believe this would have been an appropriate use of per capita dues we pay to the AFL-CIO;
And Be It Further Resolved that a conversation will happen between the US labor movement, the AFL-CIO, and the international unions that the United States will be fully and appropriately represented at the 2nd GLBT world labor conference in Sydney in 2002.
Submitted by: National SEIU Lavender Caucus