Resolution in Support of Organizing the Unorganized and Organizing New PAW Chapters
WHEREAS, the percentage of unionized workers have been on the decline since the 1950s; and
WHEREAS, the power of working people is connected to the strength of organized labor; and
WHEREAS, g/l/b/t workers have traditionally been clustered in industries with low union density; and
WHEREAS, P@W’s goal is to bring more g/l/b/t working people into the labor movement; and
WHEREAS, only 10 states in the country have passed laws making it illegal for employers to discriminate against gay people at work making unions even more critical to the economic security of g/l/b/t people;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the membership of P@W will make organizing the unorganized a key component of its work; and
BE IT RESOLVED that P@W will focus its efforts on providing financial and technical assistance to support the development of new P@W chapters in geographic areas without such organization; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that P@W will set specific goals toward the achievement of the purposes stated above.