Resolution to Commission a New Official Logo for Pride at Work
WHEREAS, the Pride at Work organization has been officially recognized as a Constituency Group of the AFL-CIO; and
WHEREAS, the organization is evolving to meet the new challenge that accompany that status; and
WHEREAS, the continued growth of the organization is a critical objective of this evolution; and
WHEREAS, growth in membership will require the development of new marketing strategies and materials; and
WHEREAS, the logo that was developed for the 3rd Biennial Convention offers a fresh, contemporary look for the newly recognized Constituency Group; and
WHEREAS this logo captures an inclusive, gender neutral them; and
WHEREAS this logo incorporates a message as to the importance of organizing for Pride at Work’s growth as well as the growth of the larger labor community; and
WHEREAS, the current logo incorporates graphic elements that reprint the Pink Triangle, a traditional simpering of Gay Liberation; and
WHEREAS the current logo includes words that define who, moth the greater labor community, the organization is primarily committed to serving; and
WHEREAS, a new logo that embodies all the best qualities of both the Organization and Convention logos would strengthen our organization in achieving greater visibility and recognition, and would contribute to our growth;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Executive Board be empowered to sponsor a contest, with the aim of selecting a new official logo; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NEB will determine the length of time of the contest and the prize to be awarded to the designer of the selected logo.