Resolution to Condemn Racist Profiling and Police Brutality
WHEREAS the April rebellion in Cincinnati was sparked by a vicious killing of an unarmed 19-year old African-American man; and
WHEREAS this was the 15th such killing in four years, and the fourth since last November; and
WHEREAS this rebellion forced nationwide attention on the national epidemic of police brutality, police killings, and the practice known as “racial profiling”; and
WHEREAS those who are part of the anti-globalization have also experienced police violence in the form of beatings, tear gas, arrests, and rubber bullets; and
WHEREAS the police are routinely used to intimidate striking workers and enforce anti-labor injunctions; and
WHEREAS Pride At Work recognizes that racism is the enemy of both the labor and LGBT movements; and
WHEREAS there is a long history of police harassment and abuse of the LGBT community, this being the spark that ignited the Stonewall Rebellion; and
WHEREAS from Seattle to Cincinnati, it is in labor’s interest to oppose police terror and police state repression
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Pride At Work calls for an end to police brutality, police harassment, and the insidious practice of “racial profiling”
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Pride At Work chapters, where possible, participate in demonstrations and other forms of protests to stop police brutality
Submitted by:
Martha Grevatt, Northeast Ohio Pride At Work