Resolution to Demand the IRS Treat Domestic Partners Benefits in the Same Way as Benefits Provided to Married Workers
Whereas comprehensive and affordable health benefits are a fundamental civil right of individuals and families in a progressive developed society; and
Whereas the AFL-CIO has committed itself to a practice of non-discrimination and the recognition of the rights of all individuals; and
Whereas Pride At Work exists to mobilize mutual support between the organized labor movement and the LGBT communities; and
Whereas progress has been made in the struggle to secure equal benefit coverage for unmarried partners of American workers; and
Whereas spousal and dependant benefits earned by an employee in a marriage recognized under the laws of the various states are not subject to additional income taxation; and
Whereas the laws and Internal Revenue Code of the United States fail to recognize the legitimacy of alternative families; and
Such that domestic partner benefits, where offered, are treated as additional income subject to taxation; and
Therefore Be It Further Resolved that PAW commits itself to the struggle to amend the laws and Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America to fully recognize that domestic partnership benefits be treated in the same manner as benefits provided to an employee in a marriage recognized under the laws of the various states.
And Be It Further Resolved that PAW shall strongly encourage all of our brothers and sisters of the AFL-CIO to commit the same struggle.
Submitted by: Laura Rodgers, Portland, OR
Richard Wrede, Washington DC