The Union Veterans Council and Pride at Work call for the immediate reversal of the Trump-era ban on patriotic Americans serving in the military

January 21, 2021



Washington, D.C. – The Union Veterans Council, AFL-CIO, and Pride at Work, AFL-CIO call for the immediate reversal of the Trump-era ban on patriotic Americans serving in the military. Banning transgender Americans from volunteer military service is an insult to our troops, the LGBTQ community, and our nation’s founding principles.

Over the past four years, we have seen members of the transgender military community attacked and discriminated against, forcing active-duty servicemembers to live in fear merely to do their jobs–while at the same time, young patriotic Americans have seen their dreams of service crushed.

We call on the Biden administration to fulfill their campaign pledge to immediately reverse this failed and unprincipled policy and to commit the federal government to rebuilding the careers of service members already effected.

Invariably, there are two service members in uniform today, standing side by side—one trans and one not—defending the country they love. They will support each other and the mission at hand, because that’s their duty. The question is, as a country, will we support them?


The Union Veterans Council brings working class veterans together to speak out on the issues that impact us most, especially the need for good jobs and a strong, fully funded and staffed VA. Additionally, we hold private enterprise and elected officials accountable for their words and actions. We believe wholeheartedly that the ability for someone to self-identify as “pro-veteran” isn’t determined by what lapel pin they don or what catchphrase they employ; veterans face real issues that require real actions—constructive actions that lead to positive solutions. Learn more at

Pride At Work is the largest national organization that builds power for LGBTQIA+ working people. We organize mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBTQIA+ Community for social and economic justice. We seek full equality for LGBTQIA+ working people in our workplaces, our unions, and the public square. We organize in the spirit of the union movement’s historic motto, “An Injury to One is An Injury to All.” Learn more at